DriverMax Review & FAQ (2021)

Click here to go to the latest DriverMax website (2021) and use the coupon code OUTWITTRADE to get 10% more off

DriverMax is a driver-updating tool by Innovative Solutions, a small to mid-sized Romanian software company first founded in 1997 which mainly focuses on security and utility software. DriverMax was first released many years ago and remains one of the biggest driver updating tools on the market. On CNET (which would only account for a portion of DriverMax downloads), DriverMax currently has over 16,000,000 downloads with an average user rating of 4.5 out of 5.

In this DriverMax review, I’ll try using the software on my own laptop, answer the main questions people have had about it and finally give my verdict on how good DriverMax actually is.

Getting started with DriverMax

Go to the latest DriverMax website here and click the green “Free Download” button to get started. The latest version of DriverMax at the time of writing is only 5.6MB (and required 18.9MB of disk space when you install it). Open it:

There is a standard install process:

Using DriverMax

Upon opening DriverMax for the first time, you’ll see this:

Click the SCAN FOR DRIVER UPDATES NOW to run a scan for the first time. Here are the results on my laptop:

If you scroll over an entry here after a scan is done, there’s an option to see details of the new driver that DriverMax wants to download and install:

When updating a driver, it’s as simple as then selecting a checkbox (or all of them at once) and clicking the DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL button. DriverMax will then confirm you want to go ahead:

As you can see here, it’s recommended to create a restore point before doing driver updates just in case there is some issue. You can also do this within the Backup and Restore tabs in DriverMax:

These are the core features of DriverMax. As with other driver-update software, it’s very simple: pretty much just run a scan, see what drivers could be updated, and click a button to update them. However, DriverMax does also have a useful feature where you can set it to automatically check for driver updates on a schedule (done by default):

How much does DriverMax cost? Are there discount or coupon codes?

A good question! Innovative Solutions has some major discounts that they run for DriverMax, so it depends when and where you’re looking. During my time using DriverMax and browsing the website I found 3 huge discounts forĀ  DriverMax in different places. :/

For example, this discount shows up after you first install DriverMax (and again, I found, if and when you uninstall it):

Here’s what happens when you just go to the regular purchase page at the time of writing:

And, an offer when you run a driver scan in the software for the first time:

And even in addition to all the above, if you purchase DriverMax through this link (our referral link) and use the coupon code OUTWITTRADE you should get a further 10% off.

It seems DriverMax pricing is all over the place. But a 1 year subscription to DriverMax is cheap (less than $10 if you’re using these huge discounts) and I recommend getting that or a 2 year subscription (trying to save literally $2 with a monthly subscription would be silly, as within just 2 months it’d be more expensive).

Is there a key, registration code, torrent, keygen or crack for DriverMax?

No, and as always, we don’t condone stealing software.

Is DriverMax safe?

Like other driver-update software, DriverMax is safe, but you should absolutely create a system restore point before updating drivers. There are literally millions of drivers that have been released, and there’s always a possibility that updating to a new driver will cause an issue due to some kind of hardware conflict.

It did not happen to me when testing DriverMax, but there have indeed been incidences of DriverMax recommending a newer driver that wasn’t verified or certified (i.e. even 3rd party drivers) and that causing some problem — so always do a backup first!

What are the alternatives to DriverMax?

I’ve reviewed 2 major competitors to DriverMax: Driver Genius (see my Driver Genius review) and Driver Easy (see my Driver Easy review). There are other driver tools, and I’ll update this review if and when I test them in future. Here’s how DriverMax compares to these: with the huge discounts Innovative Solutions tends to offer (see above), DriverMax is significantly cheaper than its competition, and may be the best choice if these discounts are available and you’re budget conscious. You can get a 1 year subscription for barely $10 — a pittance. However, where Driver Genius is better than DriverMax is its additional features (Driver Genius is more than a driver updater — it also doubles as a PC cleaner and optimizer), and where Driver Easy is better than DriverMax is that it looks to spend significantly more time making sure the drivers it recommends updating to are Microsoft Certified and reliable.

In my Driver Genius review, I also mentioned some more driver-update software that I’ve yet to test, so have a read through that if you’re still looking for alternatives.

Is DriverMax legit? Is it actually any good?

Yes. DriverMax is legitimate software, and good (especially at its very low discount price). Just take a look at the alternatives (especially Driver Easy, which is possibly the best and most reliable driver-update software, but also more expensive that DriverMax) before buying it.

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Driver Updater