How To Take Criticism: Stories & Advice

Practically anyone who has ever done anything has faced criticism, and if you’re doing anything even remotely challenging or innovative, you’re bound to get it in droves. And being that we’re emotional creatures who are always going to care about what others think of us, criticism can hurt. Given these facts, learning how to take How To Take Criticism: Stories & Advice

22 Tips To Overcome Procrastination

For those procrastinating while you should be working, this is a compilation of great tips people have sent us on how to overcome procrastination and be disciplined. Here’s the question I went out asking people: For those who have successfully overcome their habit of procrastination, what would be your main tip you can share? There 22 Tips To Overcome Procrastination

How To Relieve Stress: 38 Comments From Therapists, Psychologists & People Who’ve Overcome Stress

Stress is staggeringly common in the US, with an earlier study from the American Psychological Association showing that 77% of people “regularly experience physical symptoms caused by stress” and 33% of people “feel they are living with extreme stress” — and in the current climate, those numbers could be even worse today. For the many How To Relieve Stress: 38 Comments From Therapists, Psychologists & People Who’ve Overcome Stress