Advanced SystemCare PRO Review & FAQ

Go to the latest Advanced SystemCare PRO website (2021) Advanced SystemCare PRO is a tool to improve your PC’s performance. In this review, I’ll test it on my personal laptop, answer some FAQ’s and write about my experience with it. Click here to skip to my verdict on how good Advanced SystemCare PRO is, or Advanced SystemCare PRO Review & FAQ

Duplicate Photo Cleaner Review

When I first came across Duplicate Photo Cleaner, I assumed it would only identify 100% similar photos by comparing photos pixel-by-pixel. It does indeed do that, but also can identify photos that are only similar (not 100% identical), and assigns a % rating for just how similar they are (then allows you to delete duplicate Duplicate Photo Cleaner Review

Zemana AntiMalware Review & FAQ

If you go to the Zemana AntiMalware page on Zemana’s website, there’s barely 2 sentences of information on it, and it’s far less-known than antivirus tools from the big dogs in this market like Malwarebytes, Kaspersky and Avast. So is it safe? Does it actually remove malware? Should you use it over its numerous competitors? Zemana AntiMalware Review & FAQ

Movavi Screen Recorder Review

Movavi was founded in 2004, has a team of over 400 people and claims over 3,000,000 “happy users.” In this article, I’ll test their Screen Recorder and write up a review of it. Continue reading for a rundown of what Movavi does and how it works, or click here to skip straight to my verdict Movavi Screen Recorder Review